IKSS logo

Fully responsive, easy-to-manage website for a non-profit student organization

We helped IKSS, a non-profit organization, with a good cause and let our trainees build a real project from scratch.

IKSS portfolio herobanner screenshots


  • React
  • Node.js
  • Vercel
  • Contentful


  • 08–09.2021

Our Team

  • 12 Junior Frontend Developers
  • Proxy Product Owner
  • 2 (Junior + Mid) Scrum Masters
  • UX/UI Designer

Business Challenge

At MasterBorn, we value...values. One that’s natural for us is growth. We grow together every day as individuals and as a company. With that in mind, we decided to launch the Master Program — a trainee program dedicated to junior JavaScript developers who are just entering the IT market. Our Master Program is both meaningful and challenging and supports new JavaScript developers in launching their careers. As our team was researching a good project to start the program off, we came across the non-profit organization IKSS. The student organization spreads culture and sports among students at the Wrocław University of Economics. Initially, they had an outdated website that needed some key design and technological updates. It also turned out that some of our employees had been volunteering there. It was a perfect match!

Creating meaningful products is what we do.

What we did

Scope of work

  • Architecture icon

    Architecture Design

    Designing a product that’s easy to maintain.

  • Web development icon

    Web Development

    Creating manageable and accessible software in JavaScript.

  • Product design icon

    Product Design

    Redesigning the website.

Our Goal

Development of a website that is well-designed, efficient and accessible.

IKSS portfolio website screenshot

Our work

  • Learning about students icon

    First, we spent some time learning about the student organization's needs and expectations. We needed to decide which tools to use to make the website efficient, so we went with the CMS Contentful. After that, we focused on web architecture and design.

  • 12 trainees icon

    We recruited 12 frontend trainees to join our Master Program.
    They formed four independent project teams, each with the same goal: to radically improve the IKSS website. We made sure that each trainee had access to professional knowledge and best practices.

  • Quality assessment laptop icon

    Every team had a mentor and a code reviewer to assess code quality and design compliance.There could only be one winner. Only one version of the page went live with the best-written code and the best user experience.

IKSS portfolio web development screenshots

What We Did

Web Development

  • Framework and technology architecture self-hosted by IKSS

  • Use of a headless CMS (Contentful) in combination with next.js and React on the frontend

What we did

  • Structure icon

    Definition of data types and fields in Contentful (board members, events, logos)

  • Running icon

    Working in Scrum (planning, retrospectives, refinement), dividing work into stories

What We Did

Main app

    Devices icon

    Web and Mobile Version

    Dashboard icon

    UX/UI Design

    Human icon


IKSS portfolio app design screenshot

What we did

UX & UI Design

IKSS portfolio UX UI website screenshot

I love it when a plan comes together. I love it when we do something for a good cause. It was an excellent opportunity for juniors to begin their careers, and we were lucky to gain new, amazing colleagues.

Proxy Product Owner Adam Kopf avatar
Adam Kopf

MasterBorn Proxy Product Owner

The Outcome

It's a fantastic example of a win-win-win situation. The non-profit organization refreshed its image and brought it in line with current technology and design realities. In a professional setting, Master Program participants got commercial experience in an IT company, including recruiting, tools and code review. MasterBorn attracted potential candidates who are motivated by continuous growth.

Website screenshot icon

Live web application

Open live site →

Coding experience icon

Highly motivated junior frontend developers who gained real coding experience

New employees icon

Four new MasterBorn employees (hi Hubert, Szymon, Bartek, Damian!)

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Let's build disruptive

JavaScript products together