
5 tips for getting a job in IT without commercial experience

How do you kickstart your career in IT in under a year with no prior commercial experience in tech and no relevant education? Start with this article!


6 Astonishing US-based Data Science Startups Working for a Better Tomorrow

Is data science reserved only for big players? You couldn’t be more wrong. Read how data science helps startups build successful and meaningful businesses.


Ksana Health Case Study: How I created designs that got featured in TechCrunch

Here’s an in-depth, detailed, step-by-step study of how Asia created web designs for Ksana - a mental health startup from Oregon.


Introduction to Deepfake Technology with Examples

Deepfake technology is real and might be frightening. We have no choice but to educate ourselves and accept the challenges of the 21st century.


9 No-Nonsense Tips That Will Help You Connect With Gen Z

Gen Z is soon going to surpass Millennials as the most populous generation on the globe. How to find a common ground with Gen Z (not only) at work?


38 Tech Terms You Need to Know as a Start-up Founder

As a non-technical founder or CEO it’s essential for you to know some terms and concepts to catch up with your engineers.

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Kanban vs. Scrum vs. Scrumban - What are the differences?

Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban - these terms are often confused and used interchangeably. Which is best for your team and when is it worth applying each?


How to start a project with Test-Driven Development (TDD)

What is Test-Driven Development? Learn how to perform TDD with real code examples that focus on the Payment process.


CTO as a Service: What is CaaS? Key benefits and risks

CTO as a Service is not just another XYZaaS fancy word. It’s a solution based on responsibility that generates more and more buzz in the startup world.


Design systems: the benefits for start-ups and product teams

Design systems are gaining traction in the product development world, but they’re still a novelty for many CEOs. Read on and stay on top of industry trends!


Why you need a QA for your product

Is QA really necessary? What could happen if you didn’t hire an experienced QA and what are the real costs of poor Quality Assurance in your project?


What is Overengineering? Why Developers Do It and 4 Ways to Avoid It

Overengineering in software development: What is it, why does it happen and what does it actually mean for a start-up business and its MVP?

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